5 The Most Strange Natural Disasters Ever Happened in the World

Natural disasters are one of the most common things in the world. There are many types of natural disasters that occur, but there are only some disasters that are said to be very strange during the history that ever happened in this world.

Natural disasters become a very feared by humans, because there are so many natural disasters that occur that eat many lives and damage some of this earth.

Well, here are the five most strange natural disasters that have occurred in the world. Want to know what? We just see the following reviews, as reported by versesofuniverse.blogspot.com

1. Tunguska explosion, Russia, 1908

The first strange natural disaster was a natural disaster in the form of a Tunguska explosion that occurred in 1908 in Russia. The explosion occurred in the morning, where it could shake the desert of Siberia, burn and flatten thousands of miles of forest area.

2. Year without summer, Europe, America and Canada, 1816

Right in 1816, Europe, America and Canada experienced a very strange natural disaster that is the absence of summer. This time, summer is supposed to happen in June, they did not find, because the snow is still falling. This makes a lot of plants to die including staple food crops, resulting in hunger everywhere.

3. The eruption of Krakatau, Indonesia, 1883

The eruption of volcanoes should be commonplace, but why did the eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia in 1883 become the most bizarre natural disaster? This is because the eruption of Krakatoa became the most violent eruption in history. The sound of this volcanic eruption could reach nearly 2,000 miles away in Perth, Australia. The eruption also destroyed two thirds of the island of Krakatau and destroyed the surrounding small islands.

4. Deadly Hailstorms, Bangladesh, 1986

Hailstorm or Hailstorm is one of the most bizarre natural disasters in the world. One of them was in the town of Gopalganj, Bangladesh in the spring of 1986. This hail happened in a very large size, where the falling ice each measuring 2 kilograms. The falling ice caused 92 deaths, damage to trees, livestock and plants.

5. Invasion of the Chandka Forest Elephants, India, 1972

In 1972, there was a prolonged spring in the Chandka Forest. This makes the Chandka Forest into a drought, and is being challenged by many of the raging elephants. The elephants rushed into the settlements and destroyed five villages and caused as many as 24 deaths.

Well, that's the five most strange natural disasters that ever happened in the world.

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