6 Habits That Make Potbelly

Belly is one of the most avoided body condition, be it woman or man. But strangely, most of them quite often do things that trigger the onset of belly. For that, see the information that is collected from Kompas.com, about some habits that you must avoid if you don't want to have a belly.

1. eating Late

Such an understanding is often blamed by the people. They assume that by not filling up the food into his mouth could be deflating the stomach quickly. But in fact, this is a great one.

Important note, the late meal or skip a meal can trigger stomach thus becoming protruding. This happens because the body's metabolism slows down. In addition, late eating can also trigger obesity. Because it can make you eat more at the next.

2. Eat while watching TV

The habit of this one is most often performed. Eat while watching TV, it was fun. Especially when there is our favorite movie. But unfortunately, this habit can carry you on an ugly appearance. You are at risk of abdominal greater experienced a protruding. For it to avoid watching TV while eating.

3. lack of probiotics
Rarely taking probiotics like yogurt, also tend to have a belly. Probiotics alone serves as the increase the good bacteria in the intestines of healthy fat burning and helps digestion in the stomach.

4. Drink the juice of the fruit
The following habits that may make you quite by surprise. Drinking fruit juice is indeed healthy, however if the manufacture of fruit juices that accompanied the addition of sugar, then the risk of excessive buildup of fat in the abdomen.

5. Stress

Stress is one habit that can trigger happens belly. To solve it, try doing the exercise and meditation.

6. social media Addiction

Lastly, the kecanduang social media. A study States, people who use social media in excess is more likely to have belly. Because social media addiction, making them sit for hours in front of a computer or using a mobile phone. In doing so, they did so less active.

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