10 most dangerous Firearm in the world

Firearms are indeed becoming a tool to protect yourself and other people, with one touch, people could die due to the bullet released by the firearms.

But many people incorrectly use the firearm functions, giving rise to many problems and a murder.

Many types of firearms that was already created with various forms and differences in the ability of such weapons.

Here's 10 most dangerous firearm in the world.

10. HK MG4 MG 43 Machine Gun 

It has a light machine gun 5.56 mm calibre, designed by a company in Germany, Heckler and Koch. The weapon was originally designed in 1990, but it first appeared in 2001. This weapon has a very effective range of around 1000 metres. The weapon is designed in such a way that has the function to be unreliable when facing the enemy and provide comfort on its users.

9. The HK416 

This weapon was also designed by the company in Germany, Heckler and Koch. The HK416 is the gradations of M4, which has a 5.56 mm caliber and has a range of up to 600 metres. The HK416 is also the best weapon developed by Germany, with a short piston stroke that makes this weapon is very dangerous and very lethal.

8. The AS50 Sniper Rifle 

As50 with calibre 12.7 sniper is developed by the company United Kingdom. This weapon allows users to target aiming at a very long distance which is about 1800 metres and weighs 14.1 can also save 0.50 BMG round 5 in one pile.

7. F2000 Assault Rifle 

F2000 is included in one of the most dangerous weapons in the world, developed by the company in Belgium, FN Herstal. In 2001, the weapon was first displayed at the Abu Dhabi defence exhibition IDEX in a. F2000 has a removable handguard in front of the trigger, have a 5.56 mm caliber and range up to 500 meters. In addition F2000 can create 850 rounds in one minute.

6. the MG3 Machine Gun 

MG3 Machine Gun was the weapon that was produced by a company in Germany. With the 7.62 mm caliber, range up to 1200 meters and can issue 1000-1300 rounds per minute, making it extremely dangerous. First introduced in the 1950s and over 30 countries use this weapon.
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5. the XM307 ACSW

This weapon is a grenade machine gun designed by the United States Army. XM307 ACSW can be operated by two people and was made famous by its length which could make up to 260 rounds per minute that can kill a person within 200 metres. In addition, the ability of this weapon can damage cars, helicopters and boats.

4. the Kalashnikov AK-47 Assault Rifle 

The gun is operated as this assault rifle designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov. The weapon was shown to military tribunal in 1946. The AK-47 is easy to use and is the most popular weapon and off around the world, with one bullet can kill one person quickly.

3. Uzi Submachine Gun 

In the 1940s the first design the Uzi Submachine Gun is Uzziel Gal, who also designed by Israel Military Industries, FN Herstal, and other companies. First introduced in the special forces in 1954. Uzi used as weapons for personal defense and used for troops on the front lines because of its size and effectiveness. It has a small size and caliber makes this weapon is very deadly.

2 M1921 Thompson Submachine Gun.

This American light arms fire in 1919 was first invented by John t. Thompson. Have different names such as the "Tommy Gun", "Chicago Piano", "The Chooper", and others. M1921 is favored by many police officers, civilians, soldiers and penajahat because it has a large caliber, reliability and ergonomics.

1. the DSR-Precision DSR 50 Sniper Rifle

Manufactured by DSR-precision GmbH, Germany, became the world's most dangerous weapons with a calibre 0.50 strong and remarkable precision, which can kill people from a great distance.

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