Diseases That Attack Our Circulatory System

The human circulatory system begins from the heart, And spread to the components or organs in the body, but it does not mean the circulatory system in humans do not experience disruption or disease attack.

Disorders of the human circulatory system or human blood circulation can be caused by various factors, both from internal factors and from external factors.

Here is a disease that attacks the human circulatory system.

A. Anemia

This anemia disease we often encounter and we meet in people around us, then this pneyakit is familiar to hear in our ears. Many say that this anemia disease is a lack of blood, akan persai never been encountered in people who have normal blood pressure but in the case of anemia, in the hemoglobin hemoglobin content in the blood of the person is less.

This disease occurs can be caused by various factors such as, Lack of hemoglobin content in erythrocytes, kekuarangn amount of erythrocytes circulating in the blood, and lack of blood volume from normal volume. Due to lack of hemoglobin can result in the ability of blood to bind oxygen becomes unstable and low.

B. Thalassemia

Thalassemia is the predominant cause of genetic abnormality which is the body's action unable to produce globin (hemoglobin-forming protein). If the thalassemia sufferer is capable of producing erythrocytes, usually the age of his blood cells is shorter and more easily damaged.

Thalassemia is divided into 3 levels:

1. Major Thalassemia

People with this disease usually have anemia that is quite heavy from the age of 3-6 months after birth and unable to live without blood transfusion.

The physical characteristics of thalassemia sufferers are abnormalities in the bones, in the form of cheekbones protruding into the nose and at the prominent part of the nose, protrusion of the forehead and the distance of both eyes becomes farther, and the bones become weak and porous.

Other symptoms that appear are weak, pale, less weight, belly bulge, and physical growth is not appropriate age.

2. Thalassemia Intermedia
Thalassemia Intermedia usually develops milder symptoms. However, symptoms such as major thalassemia appear at the time of entering adulthood.

3. Minor Thalassemia

This thalassemia generally has no typical clinical symptoms, only characterized by mild anemia.

C. Leukemia (Blood Cancer)

Leukemia or akarab called blood cancer is a disease caused by the increase of white blood cells that are not controlled. In addition, white blood cells develop and eat red blood cells (erythrocytes) so that leukemia people can experience severe anemia. Leukemia symptoms include: coldness, weakness, fever, and headache, bone and joint pain, weight loss, frequent infections, night sweats.

D. Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a bloody disease that is difficult to clot. If there is a little blood wound can be pouring down and continuously without stopping, consequently the patient can experience the occurrence of less blood, even can lead to death. This disease is declining, inherited parents to their children.

For males there is a high probability of inheriting this disease, since the hemophilia genes tend to lead to males. Hemophilia is lethal, consequently women will die before adulthood if suffering from this disease.

E. Varicose veins

Varicose veins are dilation of blood vessels behind (vein) so it looks enlarged.

The cause of varicose veins is caused by various factors as follows:

1. Less Elasticity In Veins Veins Wall

Less elasticity in the vein walls that result in the veins become weak and ultimately unable to drain blood to the heart perfectly. The blood flow from the foot to the heart is against the earth's gravity, therefore the blood vessels must be strong, as well as the dynamics of the surrounding muscles.

2. Damage of the vein valve

This valve or valve vein serves to hold the blood flowing into the heart so as not to get out again. The damaged valve causes the blood to collect in and cause clots that interfere with blood flow.

F. Hypertension

Hypertension or often referred to as high blood disease is characterized by the rise in blood pressure above normal pressure in general. Normal adult blood pressure ranges from 120/80 mmHg, meaning systolic 120 mmHg and diastolic 80 mmHg.

If you feel the above matters, Immediately consult with a doctor who is experts in the field to get the best treatment right Remember to Prevent Iu Better Than Cure

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