5 Things You Should Never Do Before Making Love

Making love is not just a biological need, but a way to get maximum satisfaction from both parties.

But sometimes there are mistakes made some women that make sex not as beautiful as imagined.

To improve the relationship of love, there are some things you need to consider and should be avoided to make love remains an activity that will always you wait.

Drink Antihistamines

Antihistamines are commonly used to treat allergies, insomnia to headaches. Antihistamines make the mucous membranes (membranes that secrete fluid or mucus) dry up. So there's a great possibility even though you're very aroused, miss V will not get wet.

Eat spicy food

As Kathryn Boling, M.D, says food can also affect the smell and taste of the vaginal area. Super spicy food will make the stomach bloated, sick and produce gas that makes you want to fart so many times making it difficult when making love.

Alcoholic beverages

If you drink alcohol in very small portions, this does not give a big effect, but drinking glasses can be a destroyer of beauty lovemaking. According to a study at the University of Missouri-St. Louis found that 11% of drinkers had difficulty achieving orgasm and difficult ejaculatory men.
Using food as foreplay

Often sex is more exciting if spiced with warm up first to increase the passion and food is often one way to make you aroused as want, whipped cream or chocolate. No problem used origin not on the area of ​​Miss V, because it can trigger infection and fungi.


Do not shave before making love, because surely the feminine area so rough and poignant. The female area becomes more sensitive because the skin is injured by a razor. If you want to look clean down there, shave the day before to avoid the pain and irritation.

So, it's good if you pay attention to the things above and do not do just before the time to make love ya. It could be the dream of making love does not match what you expect.

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